So Madness day approaches once again and hopefully Ben and I can finish a 3 minute animation within the short period of time. Well I got steam several days ago and I've been playing TF2 and I really like that game so I hope that it doesn't distract me. There is two of us so yea. When Ben finished his job I can go start out with mine. What are you guys doing this Madness day?
Tests: (will update)
Old mini gun thing: a1800e6d806312c19108
Not a test but a WIP mini toon: fbb376835dc5a3cfbba3
Successful explosion is successful! c66edcb00c3865cfa81c
Aaaaand the mini toon is done: -Rocket-launchers-320054604?q=gallery%3Amadmanar yf&qo=0
lol the shadow looks cool